Month: October 2017

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

3.5 Nuts Not gonna lie I still don’t get the draw of this series. Not that it’s not good, it’s perfectly fine, but it’s not amazing. Maybe I’m missing something, or maybe I haven’t gotten in far enough, but I just don’t get it. So this is the second book in the series and it […]

October 19, 2017

Discussion: Novellas and Sho..

Discussion: Novellas and Short Stories

Over the last few years it has become a trend in YA to offer a lot more extra content in the worlds readers love. Sometimes these are just small scenes from the eyes of different characters. Other times we get a small book, or novella, as a prequel, a sequel, or an in between. Why […]

October 18, 2017

The Knowing by Sharon Camero..

The Knowing by Sharon Cameron- Blog Tour

We are so excited to be on THE KNOWING blog tour!  Check out the giveaway below!   4.5 Nuts Erin didn’t get her review up in time, but she really enjoyed THE KNOWING and rated it 4.5 stars! About Sharon: Sharon Cameron was awarded the 2009 Sue Alexander Most Promising New Work Award by the […]

October 18, 2017
1 Comment

Game of Thrones- Page to Scr..

Game of Thrones- Page to Screen

  *insert theme music here* Alrighty here we go. I originally read the first three A Song of Ice and Fire books right in a row one summer while I was in college. They were bloody, sexy, quite long hardcore high fantasies in every way I love. So of course as each season of the […]

October 17, 2017

Discussion: Re-Reading

Discussion: Re-Reading

Are you a one-time reader or a re-reader? This is a question I ask people a lot, because I’m fascinated by the answers. Some people never re-read a book. They just keep moving from book to book, always picking up something new. While I understand this then I wonder, if you’re not re-reading them do […]

October 16, 2017

John Greening All the Way Do..

John Greening All the Way Down

I have spent the last several years going back and forth on the topic that is John Green. First I watched his vlogs with his brother Hank on the Vlogbrothers youtube channel. Then I read The Fault in Our Stars and Looking For Alaska, loving both. Sadly I didn’t stop there and trudged through the […]

October 15, 2017

Publisher’s Weekly Mag..

Publisher’s Weekly Magazine

  I’ve been a part of the book community for a long time now but in recent months I’ve found myself pulled into much more of the professional side of books and publishing. As I work on my own books and start doing research to enter the publishing world as an author (hopefully) I’ve been […]

October 14, 2017

Game of Thrones Book Tag

Game of Thrones Book Tag

  *insert Game of Thrones intro here* Welcome everyone, it’s book tag time again. This tag was started by Claire Roussaeu on Youtube and it’s a GOT tag! *cheering* But enough talk, it’s time to tag.   Arya Stark- a character that’s all about revenge Lea Saldana has got an axe to grind for sure. If anyone […]

October 13, 2017

Turtles All the Way Down by ..

Turtles All the Way Down by John Green

4.5 Nuts As John Green books go I’d have to call TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN one of his best. When I think of a John Green novel I think of highly intelligent teenagers and tragic love stories, but that is not TURTLES, not at all. TURTLES has a depth to it than none of […]

October 12, 2017

Agatha Christie’s Marp..

Agatha Christie’s Marple

When it comes to adaptations of Agatha Christie novels, my favorites are usually part of the british Agatha Christie’s Marple TV show. More like a group of made-for-TV mini movies, Agatha Christie’s Marple is an updated take on the famous mystery novels. Now, perhaps they are not the most faithful adaptations, in fact the show […]

October 12, 2017