Mini DNF Reviews: After the End, Wake, Of Poseidon

December 11, 2015     erinbook     Uncategorized

I’ve been reading a lot of books in the last few months and not all of them have hit the mark. Some of them I just don’t have a lot to say about. This is the case for these three books. So, instead of posting some really pitiful full reviews I’ve decided to put up these mini reviews to explain why I felt the need to DNF.

Lately I’ve been picking my books for one very specific reason: to make some room on my shelves. The Christmas season is coming and that means a haul is making it’s way to my shelves. Those who have seen my shelves will know that they are very full and my apartment has limited space. My books are already double stacked and even filling up the space between bookcases. So I’ve been picking books that I know I want to read and then discard from my shelves. Some of them have been on there so long that they just either need to be read or be donated. Others I just know that once I finish with them I’d never read them again so they need to go away.

So in this quest for space I’ve found these, the books that weren’t worth struggling through. I usually don’t DNF until after I reach about 100 pages so all of these books were given a fair chance.

After the End

This book came after a long string of good dystopians. This one? A fake post apocalyptic. I don’t know but that premise just really bothered me for some reason. I’ve read them before and some have managed to do something good with the idea but this one just seemed so generic. When your TBR is as long as mine I have a hard time justifying generic and boring when there are other things to read. Not horrible but not for me.


I was actually over halfway done with this book when I DNFed it. I liked the mythology (though I wish there was a lot more of that) and I liked most of the characters. Unfortunately in the middle third of the book nothing really seems to be happening. It’s the main character deciding what she wants to do about her siren problem and some boy stuff that really doesn’t do a whole lot for me. And then the sister gets involved.

Now, I said I liked most of the characters and I do. But not her. The sister is overbearing, suspicious, and ten kinds of annoying. She is so judgmental of her sister, not even knowing what’s happening to her. I just found her intolerable. I DNFed the book and the whole quartet went to my local used bookstore.

Of Poseidon

Of these three DNFs this was the book I found most intolerable. Seriously. I’d heard such good things about the series and I was really excited to read them. I had trilogy ready to go and then this happened. I read the character’s exclamation of surprise, ohmygoodness, all jumbled up and so insipid sounding that I almost threw my book. I continued on, but it kept coming up! This obnoxiousness is all over this book and made me cringe every single time.  The main character became so annoying and sounded so immature that I just had to put it away. I barely made my 100 page limit on this one.

I wish this book had gone better. Like Wake, I was enjoying the mythologies and a lot of the Syrena characters. I thought the scientist was kind of funny and the obvious love interest was pretty hot. I just couldn’t stomach the MC for a minute longer.

Agree? Disagree? Let’s discuss! Share your thoughts in the comments!

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