Month: September 2014

Book Blogger Confessions Tag

Book Blogger Confessions Tag

The Book Blogger Confessions Tag   Hey all, I was in the mood to do some tags and I found tis one over at Laura’s Book Reviews. The rules: Answer these questions truthfully. Once you’ve completed this tag, tag 5 other book bloggers to answer these questions next. 1. Which book, most recently, did you […]

September 14, 2014

Storytime Sunday: Will You T..

Storytime Sunday: Will You Tell Me a Story by Laura

Storytime Sunday is a weekly meme in which I share stories that my friends and I have written. Most of these are just writing practice and not polished. Today’s story was written by my friend Laura. Enjoy! Will You Tell Me a Story? “Will you tell me a story?” Ah, the sound is music to […]

September 14, 2014

Stacking the Shelves #10: Se..

Stacking the Shelves #10: September 13, 2014

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme for bloggers to share the books we bought, borrowed, or were sent by publishers this week. This was actually a pretty slow week for me. It’s sort of nice after the monster weeks I’ve been having recently to have a smaller pile. Here’s what I got this week: […]

September 13, 2014

#FridayReads: September 12, ..

#FridayReads: September 12, 2014

Let’s talk about what we’re reading today! I’m finally catching up on my September release pile and I may finally be able to pick some unread books from my shelves! Today I’m reading… This book is awesome! I’m only about 100 pages in but this is a difficult book to put down. Think supernatural creatures. […]

September 12, 2014

Save the Book!: Rescuing Dam..

Save the Book!: Rescuing Damp or Soaked Books

Rescuing Damp and Soaked Books   Have you ever been walking in the rain and someone bumped into you, knocking your bag from your hands and spilling your book into the mud? Or perhaps you like to read in the bathtub as I do and have been startled into dropping your book in the water? […]

September 12, 2014

Caring for Your Books

Caring for Your Books

Caring for Your Books     If you’re reading book blogs I’m going to assume that you love books as much as I do. So, if you’re anything like me then you want your books to last forever, or last least for many years to come. So I’ve got a few tips to keep your […]

September 11, 2014

Maze Runner Movie Giveaway!

Maze Runner Movie Giveaway!

Are you guys excited for the Maze Runner Movie? I know I am! I love this series and I’m really excited to see it become a movie. So, in celebration, I’m giving away part of the series on Twitter. You can win your choice of the Maze Runner sequel, The Scorch Trials or the prequel The Kill […]

September 10, 2014

Book Pet Peeves #10: Changin..

Book Pet Peeves #10: Changing the Spine

  #10: Changing the Spine   I think most of us have a problem with cover changes but have you ever seen when a publisher changes the spine of a book? You can see it with series such as Anna Carey’s Eve Trilogy or even worse in The Goddess Test Series. At least with the […]

September 10, 2014

Cover Reveal: Brew by David ..

Cover Reveal: Brew by David Estes

Salem’s Revenge strikes without warning or mercy, ravaging the powerless human race under the forces of united gangs of witches, wizards, and warlocks. During the slaughter, Rhett Carter’s foster parents and sister are killed, and his best friend and girlfriend are abducted by a gang of witches calling themselves the Necromancers, who deal in the […]

September 10, 2014

The Iron Trial (Magisterium ..

The Iron Trial (Magisterium #1) by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare

The Iron Trial (Magisterium #1) by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare Release Date: September 9, 2014 Publisher: Doubleday Children’s Books 295 Pages Received: Netgalley Format: eARC Rating:  4 Nuts               Description: From NEW YORK TIMES bestselling authors Holly Black and Cassandra Clare comes a riveting new series that defies […]

September 9, 2014