Month: January 2016

Tips and Tricks: Care and Re..

Tips and Tricks: Care and Repair for Your Collection

One of my resolutions for 2016 was that I want to bring back some of my favorite features from a while back. The first one I’m going to tackle is my baby, my numero uno favorite: we’re bringing back Tips and Tricks.   Tips and Tricks has two categories to it. First there’s your general […]

January 19, 2016
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Book Piracy: Why It’s ..

Book Piracy: Why It’s Never OK

Few things affect authors more than piracy.  It’s something they’ve had to deal with more and more as ebooks have become more popular. Let me let you in on a little secret: they don’t get mad about it over pure vanity. They have a whole host of reasons to be concerned about piracy, let me […]

January 16, 2016

YA Review: Siren’s Fur..

YA Review: Siren’s Fury by Mary Weber

There’s nothing better to me than a high fantasy. Very rarely do they ever fall short in my eyes, and I assume that’s because a publisher can usually pick out the good from the bad pretty easily when deciding whether to publish. So what makes a good high fantasy? World-building: a book in this genre […]

January 15, 2016

Review: Fairytale Romance Co..

Review: Fairytale Romance Collection by Melanie Dickerson

Thanks to BookLook Bloggers for sending this book in exchange for an honest review. Melanie Dickerson is known for her fantasy fairytale books. After all, there are tons of them. This fun little collection brings a whole bunch of them into once nice neat little package. This collect features: The Healer’s Apprentice, The Merchant’s Daughter, […]

January 15, 2016

Review: Inheritance by Chris..

Review: Inheritance by Christopher Paolini

So here we are, the final book. All three previous books are leading up to an culminating in this big, green monstrosity. And yes, it is huge. Sometimes I wonder if this book really needs to be as massive as it is. One of the biggest criticisms of this book that I had heard in […]

January 15, 2016

YA Review: The Evolution of ..

YA Review: The Evolution of Mara Dyer

Why did I ever wait to read this series? With each book I read in this series I fall deeper in love with its characters.  That’s pretty funny considering this book was once on my “probably-never-going-to-read” list. Yes, I came very close to missing out on the conundrum that is Mara Dyer. And now I […]

January 15, 2016

YA Review: Shadows by Robin ..

YA Review: Shadows by Robin McKinley

My Review So I’ve just finished Shadows and. . .I kind of have an unexpected book hangover. Let me start from the beginning. I’ve read a few of Robin McKinley’s books and I’ve enjoyed every one I’ve read. Beauty and Sunshine are both favorites of hers, which is kind of entertaining considering one is a […]

January 15, 2016

NA ARC Review: Paige in Prog..

NA ARC Review: Paige in Progress by Brighton Walsh

My Review I was lucky enough to get an ARC from Brighton of Paige in Progress for review – thank you!! I love her books. They always seem to have a perfect mix of great plot, relatable characters and swoon worthy romance and Paige in Progress is no different. I was hooked from the first sentence […]

January 12, 2016

DNF Review: The Wrath and th..

DNF Review: The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh

DNF- 189 Pages   Boring. If I had to pick one word to describe this book it would be boring. I made it to nearly 200 pages, twice the time I usually give a book before I throw in the towel. Admittedly, part of this may just be mood related. With some stuff going on […]

January 11, 2016
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YA Review: Cruel Crown by Vi..

YA Review: Cruel Crown by Victoria Aveyard

If you knew me when Red Queen came out you probably saw me freaking out about how much I enjoyed it. Ever since I’ve been obsessed with the idea of book two. Thankfully to tide us over until then, Harper has released a couple of novella. First came Queen’s Song, which I immediately got on […]

January 11, 2016
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