Category: Book review

Return to Howliday Inn by Ja..

Return to Howliday Inn by James Howe

4 Nuts When you think of young readers stories I doubt the first things that come to mind are Citizen Kane and Shakespeare. Nor do you likely think of ventriloquists or classic literature. And yet somehow Howe manages to reference all of these things in his direct sequel to HOWLIDAY INN. RETURN TO HOWLIDAY INN […]

October 23, 2018

Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatc..

Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher by Bruce Coville

5 Nuts This was my very first introduction to the Magic Shop series, and indeed Bruce Coville’s books as a whole. I remember sitting in my elementary school listening to my teacher read to me about a boy and his dragon. As I got older and read more dragon books, this was always the one […]

October 22, 2018

Nighty-Nightmare by James Ho..

Nighty-Nightmare by James Howe

5 Nuts Of all of the Bunnicula stories in the main series and the spin offs this little gem, NIGHTY-NIGHTMARE, is my favorite. All of the Bunnicula books make great Halloween reads for kids but if campfire style scary stories are your thing, this is what you want to read in October. As per usual […]

October 21, 2018

The Monster’s Ring by ..

The Monster’s Ring by Bruce Coville

4 Nuts As Halloween draws near I’ve been thinking more and more about my childhood Halloween traditions. School Halloween parties, trick or treat, and of course the telling of supernatural tales. When I was young there were two series that I loved to read at Halloween, BUNNICULA by James Howe and the MAGIC SHOP series […]

October 20, 2018

Marine Biology by G.L. Carri..

Marine Biology by G.L. Carriger

4 Nuts Well now this is unexpected. I’m still not really clear if these SAN ANDREAS SHIFTER books are in the same canon as Parasolverse or not but I find myself hoping that it is. Even if it’s not, this little prequel is telling me that I’m probably going to love it anyway. MARINE BIOLOGY […]

October 16, 2018

Competence by Gail Carriger

Competence by Gail Carriger

4 Nuts WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE TO WAIT!? Yes my friends, this is the end of the Parasolverse binge. Not because the author has ended the stories in the universe, oh no. There are more to come. BUT NONE OF THEM ARE OUT YET! COMPETENCE is book 3 of 4 in the Custard […]

October 15, 2018
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Pretties by Scott Westerfeld

Pretties by Scott Westerfeld

4 Nuts Now this is what I remember loving when I think of the Uglies Trilogy. Where UGLIES is the intro to this world PRETTIES is the exploration of the meat of it. The world the Pretties live in is very different from that of the Uglies and the books are sort of the same […]

October 14, 2018

How to Marry a Werewolf by G..

How to Marry a Werewolf by Gail Carriger

4 Nuts Well who would have thought I’d like Major Channing? Not me. I’ve always thought him one of Miss Carriger’s least likable supernatural characters. Major Channing is a major ass. However I suppose even the unlikable beast can be tamed by the right person. For Channing, I suppose that’s an American with a “scandalous” […]

October 12, 2018
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The Evil Lives!: Fear Street..

The Evil Lives!: Fear Street Super Chiller by R.L Stine

3.5 Nuts Lawd, we’re back to weird. This book follows in more the vein of NEW EVIL than in the original trilogy. Meaning: it’s very weird. However, there’s plenty of good in this one to counteract the weird and the worst of that is mostly confined to the end of the novel. But I digress. […]

October 11, 2018

The New Evil: Fear Street Su..

The New Evil: Fear Street Super Chiller by R.L. Stine

  3 Nuts What in the devil’s hell is this? As a young reader who had decimated all the age appropriate books long before my peers, I moved on to these scary little novels quite early. And I loved them, reading every single one. Somehow though, even though I KNOW I read this book, I […]

October 10, 2018